Sunday, July 31, 2016

Melanoma in Older Men

Yosef Meystel President of YAM ManagementEven though it’s not summertime, it’s important to be checking your skin. Yosef Meystel has found that in a recent study done by American Academy of Dermatology, it was found that older men have an increased risk of developing melanoma. But most older men are careless about skin protection and they do not know how to properly check themselves for signs of skin cancer.
The American Academy of Dermatology is concerned about this because nearly 132,000 new cases of melanoma will be diagnosed in 2012. In an online poll, it was found that most men do not protect themselves from the outdoor sun (which is still relevant in the winter time) whereas women knew how to and followed through. It was also found that majority of men knew that they should be checking their skin for signs of melanoma but did not.
“Men need to examine their skin and see a dermatologist if they spot anything changing, bleeding or growing,” said dermatologist Dr. Thomas Rohrer, a clinical associate professor of dermatology at Brown University School of Medicine. The study noted that the five-year survival rate for people who had the melanoma diagnosed and treated early before it spread to the lymph nodes is at 98%.
Yosef Meystel knows that it’s important for everyone to wear sunscreen on the face, ears and lips year round, to wear hats or sun-reflective clothing in the summertime, to regularly check skin for any growth in moles, new ones, and to regularly visit a dermatologist.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Exercise Matters

In a world where advertising is everywhere all the time, it’s hard to look past the “Try this and look 10 years younger!” “Eat our product and feel young again!” “You’ll be in the best shape of your life!” But does that really matter? Yosef Meystel says it shouldn’t.
We should be more focused on the quality of our health and to aim for the highest potential of our current health. The best way to get in “the best health” is not with products, gimmicks or spending a fortune. Simple healthy eating, exercise and sleep helps.
But why is exercise so important? This is why:
  • Happy heart. Exercise can help clear your arteries, reduce your heart rate and keep your heart strong and healthy. Who doesn’t want to show their heart some love?
  • Controls weight. If you want to lose weight or control your weight, getting at least 30 minutes of exercise a day is a great way to do that. Hitting the gym may not be for everyone, but there are other simple things to help you lose weight. Such as walking, low impact aerobics or even doing household chores and gardening!
  • Relieves stress and depression. When you exercise endorphin’s are released, the “feel good” hormones. The benefit of this is that they take effect immediately, they last and have no side effects like drugs can
  • Sleep. Physical activity can help regulate sleep schedules. Who doesn’t love a sound sleep? 
It’s never too late to get started. Whether you have been doing to for years and took a break, or have never done it, now is a good time to consult your doctor and get started. Whether you do all 30 minutes of working out at once, or 10 minutes here and there, motivate yourself by finding a buddy or rewarding yourself every time you reach a goal.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Migraines and The Weather

Yosef MeystelOne of Chicagoan’s favorite things to say is “If you don’t like the weather, wait five minutes and it’ll change.” Yosef Meystel knows that we've been experiencing it all week. Hot and humid in the morning, a shower in the mid-day and now warm, but cooler than before, temperatures.
But did you know that some people who experience migraines are triggered by the change of the weather. A study found that the temperature change was actually the culprit about a fifth of the time, and this association was more obvious on colder days than warmer days.
“Our study provides evidence of a link between the perception of temperature sensitivity and headache incidence in migraine patients,” study author Shuu-Jiun Wang, MD, of Taipei Veterans Hospital in Taiwan, says in a news release.
The study also found that the weather change more commonly triggered headaches than moderate to severe headaches. It’s important to know your migraine triggers and to prepare for them. With the weather it’s harder to predict and prepare, so it’s best to have your migraine medicine on hand. If the sun triggers your migraines, wear sunglasses, hats, drink lots of water and try to avoid outdoor activities if you have a headache.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

The Hidden Important Relationship In Your Life

Yosef Meystel wants to know, when you think of relationships in your life that are important to stay true to the common ideas are your spouse, friends, and family. But what about your pharmacist?

Yes, your pharmacist. Yosef Meystel knows that you may only see them once a month or so, it may not be the same person, but it’s the same pharmacy/location. This is extremely important, but why?
  • Familiarity. When you continue to go the same pharmacist, your pharmacist gets to know you more and more each time where they become familiar with you, and your history.
  • Knowledge. Not only on a personal level, but for your medication history as well. They know what you have taken, what you are taking and what you should avoid. This comes in handy when you have questions about mixing medicines and supplements.
  • Help. Pharmacist know what kind of over-the-counter drugs work as well as prescriptions, they know what medications are offered in generic brands and they can work with you to help you save money.
  • In-case-of-emergency. If you are in another town, state or just can’t get to your pharmacy, your pharmacist may be able to help you get the medications you need at a pharmacy closer to your current location. This comes in handy when you are traveling.

Friday, July 15, 2016

Walk For Your Health

Yosef Meystel knows that they say exercise helps your body in so many ways. But not all of us are able to go run, tackle the machines at the gym or life weights. Did you know that walking has some great benefits for you?
Take a few steps during your lunch break, get walking in the morning or take a stroll after dinner. Researches at the University of Washing and the University of Pittsburgh have found that those who walked the most in the study had a 29 percent lower risk of diabetes compared to those who walked the least. People who walk between 5,400 – 7,799 steps each day lowered their risk of diabetes; to put that in perspective, there are about 2,000 steps per mile.
Other benefits of walking are:
  • Lowers diabetes risk
  • Boosts your mood
  • Reduces ‘bad cholesterol’
  • Increases ‘good cholesterol’
  • Reduces fatigue
  • Lowers your body fat
  • May prevent obesity

Monday, July 11, 2016

Eating Habits When You're Tired

Have you ever woken up still tired and sluggish, grabbed a donut for breakfast then some chips and candy at lunch? Yosef Meystel wants you to know, you’re not alone.
Researchers have found after examining the areas of the brain that unhealthy foods are more appealing to people who haven’t had enough sleep.
Researchers found that the reward centers of the brain were activated when sleep-deprived volunteers saw pictures of unhealthy foods.
“We found regions associated with reward and motivation — those that are involved with addiction and pleasure-seeking behaviors — were more strongly activated in the short-sleep phase,” said Marie-Pierre St-Onge, a research associate at St. Luke’s Roosevelt Hospital Center and an assistant professor at Columbia University’s Institute of Human Nutrition in New York City.
Researchers at University of California, Berkley found that there was impaired activity in the area of the frontal lobe of the brain with sleep-deprived volunteers. This area helps the brain control behaviors and makes complex choices. When the sleep-deprived volunteers saw pictures of unhealthy foods, this area of the brain did not respond well – making healthy choices more difficult.
The National Sleep Foundation suggests that there is no magic number on sleep, but it depends on the person’s needs. On average, it’s been found that adults need 7-9 hours of sleep per night whereas teenagers need 8 ½ – 9 ½ hours of sleep. Setting up a consistent sleep schedule is recommended, so the body can get used to sleeping at certain times.

Friday, July 8, 2016

Tips For Managing Migraines

Some of us are plagued by the horrible migraine. It can ambush you; it can be a common occurrence and can keep you from carrying out your daily tasks. Yosef Meystel wants to know,  how do you nip the problem before it becomes a problem?
Know your symptoms. If migraines are common for you, then you know the typical signs that warn you of their coming. Sometimes too much of a food, smell, etc. can trigger it – beware and limit your intake of these.
Sleep. A lot of people disregard sleep to catch up on their daily activities. Too much lack of sleep can trigger a migraine. If you maintain a regular sleep schedule, and sleep with the lights off, it’s less stress on your brain.
Eat. Skipping meals and starving yourself of vital nutrients does not help.
Exercise. If you exercise, it releases good endorphins in your body, releases stress and helps regulate sleep patterns. This reduces the frequency or severity of the migraines.
Calm down. Stress and anxiety can increase your chances for a migraine. If you feel stressed out or feel yourself getting anxious, try touching your temples, try a few breathing techniques, switch jobs if it’s a major stress contributor and lie low for an afternoon to reduce stress.
Always be prepared because migraines can strike anywhere at anytime. Carry some Advil or Tylenol with you, sometimes a small intake of caffeine can help (it could also hurt you, know whether it triggers you or not), and make sure to talk with your doctor if it becomes a prominent issue.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Exercise After Stroke

Nursing & Rehab in Chicagoland
Yosef Meystel knows that for most of our lives we’ve been told that exercise is an important part of our life, and a staple to our health. When we’re little kids it helps us grow and burn off our energy, as adults it keeps us healthy and provides many other benefits; later in life it can help us recover from strokes.
People who have suffered from strokes can improve their memory, thinking, language and judgment problems by nearly 50 percent through exercise, according to a new Canadian study. Yosef Meystel read that it is suggested that exercise should be a routine part of treatment that follows the stroke.

Serious exercise is not needed for stroke patients; mild to moderate exercise, depending on the patient, is suggested. Walking, light weights and body resistance five days a week are some good exercises to do.
“Healthy living is important for reducing your risk for stroke, recovering from stroke and preventing another,” Ian Joiner, director of stroke for the Heart and Stroke Foundation, said in the news release. “All of us should manage our risk factors for stroke and, when needed, have access to information and counseling about strategies to modify our lifestyle choices.”

Friday, July 1, 2016

Being Lonely Can Hurt

Yosef Meystel knows that no one likes being lonely. Some people might like being alone, but it’s not every day you meet someone who says “I’m lonely and love it.”
Did you know, being lonely may raise a person’s risk for a decline in health, shown by two new studies Yosef Meystel read.
One study found that people who were on their own were more likely to pass away during the four years of the study, versus the people who did not live alone. It happened across cultures since people in the study were from 44 different countries.
In the second study, people who identified as lonely were 45% more likely to pass away versus those who didn’t feel isolated. Almost 23% of the lonely people passed away, compared to 14% of people who didn’t feel lonely.
It’s a hard battle, being lonely. But it’s suggested to join clubs or social events of people who have similar interests in you. If you know someone who appears to be lonely, invite them to dinner or visit them sporadically.